Sweet Onion Animal Protection Society

Finding Homes, Saving Lives

Success Stories


March 20, 2015 | Posted by Stephanie Reese

BuddyOur boy Buddy is slowly getting better. He still has a very long road ahead of him, and he has already been at the vet’s office for almost a month. In order for us to be able to help dogs like this in the future, we have to have support from our followers. Our page currently has 1,310 likes. If all of our followers could donate just $5…. imagine what a HUGE help that would be to our babies. SOAPS is run soley on donations. We get no federal or state funding. We are a 501(c3) organization and tax deductible. Please help us give this boy and others in the future a fighting shot.

In order to donate online with Paypal you can go to https://www.sweetonionaps.org/donate/ or make checks out to Sweet Onion Animal Protection Society and mail to PO Box 210, Vidalia, GA, 30475.

We would not be able to help any of these dogs without our community and followers. Thank you for your continued support!